The Immanuel Grözinger House

1966, the Immanuel Grözinger House (IGH) was built. The 15 storey highrise with 144 Single-rooms about 11 m² each, serves three different types of residence: semi-residential, assisted living, stationary long-term care. Thus single-men without a residence in combination with various social troubles can find a temporary or long term accommodation at the IGH.

The offered support at the IGH ranges from personal support concerning living problems, addiction and debts, health and psychological assistance to optional activities such as the neighbourhood garden, an open workshop, a bicycle workshop and the neighbourhood café.

The central department for housing shortage (Wohnungsnotfallhilfe) allocates people in need to the rooms administered by the eva (Protestant Association), in appropriate cases resulting costs are carried by social aid. 72 rooms host long-term residents with a need for extensive support, in 18 rooms, residents live without alcohol or other drugs, 45 dwellings accommodate men with the ability to live self-structured. A few rooms are used for short-term accommodation of people whose needs are to be clarified.

Statistics from 1990 show, that most people stay 3 to 5 years followed by people who stay 8 years and longer. 64 out of 152 residents have an employment. The biggest part of the people leaving the IGH moves into their own apartment, the second biggest part though leaves into unknown.

Stuttgart Rot – Immanuel Grözinger Haus
Eva Stuttgart – Immanuel-Grözinger-Haus
Evangelische Gesellschaft Stuttgart Hrsg. (1991): 25 Jahre Immanuel Grötzinger Haus. Stuttgart


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